Ice blended drinks


Date : 14th & 15th July 2009
Time : 10.30 a.m. – 3.00 p.m.
Venue : KDU College Concourse
Nature of project : Fund-Raising
Organising Chairperson : Leo Mabel Khoo
Co-Organising Chairperson : Leo Benny Neoh

Participants of the Project :
-Leo Aisha Salma Begum
-Leo Joshua Tan
-Leo Loretta Toon
-Leo Yu Anying,
-Leo Ta Khanh Chi
-Leo Bon Siong Hooi,

No. of Leos involved : 8 Leos
No. of Leo hours : 8 Leos X 4.5 hours X 2 Days = 72 hours

The Leos had agreed to meet up at 10.30 to start the arranging the tables and chairs for the fund-raiser. Different Leos brought different items. Leo Mabel brought her cutlery, Leo Aisha brought the blender, Leo Benny brought the ice box, Leo Anying brought the towels. Other Leos brought other required items. Leos Aisha, Benny and Mabel went shopping for the goods on the previous day.

This fund-raiser was held because it was necessary to earn a bit of money to help ensure that forthcoming community service activities could be held successfully. Leos Benny and Mabel taught the other Leos how to make the blended drinks as it was their own concoction.

A menu was shown to customers whereby they could choose their own drinks, flavours and fruits. For example, customers can choose blended ice drinks that were a mixture of Ribena, Ice Cream Soda and Lychee fruits. Or Mango cordial, 7 Up and Longan fruit. It was completely the customer’s choice.

The fund-raiser had the unexpected benefit of our Leo club recruiting up to 14 new members who were interested in our activities. It also taught the Leos how to communicate persuasively to customers in the process of promoting the drinks and the club. A total of Rm 100 was earned in profits. This is very good news indeed!


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I've come to believe that each of us has a personal calling that's as unique as a fingerprint - and that the best way to succeed is to discover what you love and then find a way to offer it to others in the form of service, working hard, and also allowing the energy of the universe to lead you.



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